Best chance to showcase the latest technology, products, and services geared toward the U.S. Army and the Maneuver Center of Excellence's mission areas
This extraordinary event brings together leaders from OSD, the military services, industry, prime contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and academia to address present and future tactical wheeled vehicle requirements.
Army Materiel Command alongside the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) and other Army Commands, that highlights how the Total Army will modernize and transform into a multi-domain capable force
Click here to find out more
A premier DOD Buyer & Supplier Event
Premier military equipment, systems, services and technology exposition. View the latest Marine relevant products and solutions, as well as attend service level presentations on future operating concepts, requirements, experimentation and acquisitions objectives, and implications of the emerging operational environment
The Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) is the most important opportunity for the SOF community to interact with industry and collaborate on the challenges, initiatives, and way-ahead in delivering the most cutting-edge capabilities into the hands of SOF operators.
Assess current state of technologies as well as provide Soldier feedback to Industry partners on their crew-served weapon systems and enablers.
The inaugural 2022 AUSA Warfighter Summit and Exposition is a two-and-a-half-day professional development event themed “America’s Response Force: Ready Today, Ready Tomorrow.”
Scientists and engineers from government, academia and industry are invited to submit papers for the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Michigan Chapter’s 14th Annual GVSETS & APBI, in coordination with The Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD)
Largest landpower exposition and
professional development forum in North America