HUNTSVILLE, Al. – December 18, 2020 – It was a pretty tough decision for EOS Defense Systems USA, Inc. to make when we decided over a month ago to cancel the 2nd annual Christmas party, due to COVID, health and safety being the main concerns for the employees.
This cancellation of course comes after numerous other cancellations and falls in line with the long line of disappointments for the year of 2020.
But…don’t get us wrong, EOS has made the best of a terrible situation. We have achieved quite a bit considering the current circumstances and all of our accomplishments were firsts for us! We held the first Javelin missile firing, live fire tested the first R800, produced the first R400 in Huntsville, successfully fired from a container-based weapon system by wireless and stand-off capability and last but not least were awarded our first contract!
When the decision was made to cancel the Christmas party some of the resident EOS “party planners” got together and determined that EOS should still commemorate Christmas and the best way to accomplish the celebration would be to hold its first ever, non-perishable food drive.
EOS contacted The Downtown Rescue Mission with its wishes to donate and requested six blue collection barrels be delivered - knowing they would return filled with food. And, in the true spirit of celebration an “Alabama vs. Auburn” fans competition ensued, giving birth to “Cans from Fans”! Setting the stage to keep the competition lively, a friendly commercial was created – complete with a blooper reel, a daily score board was updated, LinkedIn posts were published and several trash talk companywide emails were sent out- aiding an energetic rivalry.
In case you missed the winning announcement on LinkedIn, Alabama Fans won the first EOS canned food drive competition for the Downtown Rescue Mission – the true winner.
There were 3,473 non-perishable items collected and all that food weighs about 2,078 pounds. That is over a ton of food... all this from 66 employees!
Merry Christmas from EOS